Girl Scout Interest Form

Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania

Cranberry Service Unit

By completing an interest form, we will make every attempt to be accommodating to your schedules and requests

    Girl's Name (required)


    Parent/Guardian Name

    Email Address (required)

    Phone Number

    Have you already registered on the Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania council website:
    YesNo (If no, please go to and click on "Join Today" to find your place)

    Please mark all days and times your daughter is available. Every attempt will be made to accommodate your schedule.

    MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayWeekendAfter SchoolEveningSummer Camp

    The number of available troop slots depends entirely upon the number of PARENTS/GUARDIANS who volunteer as LEADERS. There are not typically openings in existing troops. If you are an adult and considering volunteering in any capacity please also fill out our Adult Volunteer Form to get more information.

    My current grade is

    My current school is

    In the fall my grade will be

    In the fall my school will be

    Special Requests (i.e. to be placed with a friend, etc.)