Adult Volunteer Interest Form

Yes! I am interested in making a difference in my daughter’s life and becoming a leader with Cranberry Girl Scouts!

Interest forms will be collected now through the beginning of the new school year at which time new troops are formed.

    Adult Name (required)


    Your Email (required)

    Phone number

    Have you already registered on the Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania council website: YesNo (If no, please visit and click on "Be a Volunteer" to be contacted about how you can participate)

    I would be interested in volunteering as:
    LeaderCo-leaderAssistant LeaderCookie Mom/Dad

    I am interested in leading:
    Kindergarten (Daisies)First Grade (Daisies)Second Grade (Brownies)Third Grade (Brownies)Other level

    Please note any questions that you may have about becoming a Girl Scout Leader: